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Renault Radiance Concept V1 .2 Full | Euro truck simulator 2 | 1.9.22

Renault Radiance Concept V1 .2 Full

Replaces a slot in the big Renault dealer
- A cabin available
- Only 4×2-chassis available
- 3 To 520 hp engines 440CV
- Interior original Magnum
- Paintable (not recommended to do it)
- Tuning can (many accessories in the wrong position)
- Rear lights not working
- Mirrors are not present

Changelog v 1.2:
- Fixed bug in the purchase of truck dealers in large
- Fixed the impacts of truck
- Taillights now operational
- Added two white lights at the top of the cab
- Added GPS to the interior
- Updated for latest version (1.9.x)

ETS2MOD, 98andrea98

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